Everyone has experienced some kind of plumbing problem around the home. In fact, the most common types of plumbing problems around the home stems from problems with the caulking. While it is nice to think that caulking lasts forever, and that all the different kinds of sinks available are caulked the same way, this couldn't really be further from the truth. One of the more common types sinks used around the home is the acrylic sink. Caulking acrylic sinks is remarkably easy, as long as you keep in mind a few simple things.
- Remove existing caulk Whether you are installing new acrylic sinks, or you are simply recaulking existing sinks, you will need to ensure that the area is completely clear of any preexisting caulk. If it is not, then you will need to remove, and clean any of the existing caulk prior to laying the new caulking down. You can remove the old caulk by using some pliers, or even a knife. Scrape up all the caulk that you can, and then scrub it clean with a damp cloth.
- Choose the caulk. Once you have your work area clear of preexisting caulk, you should choose the replacement caulk. Typically, most caulks will work well with just about all kinds of sinks. However, you should carefully read the manufacturers directions to ensure that the caulking will work well with your acrylic sink. Be sure that you have done this prior to purchasing your caulk, since you do not want to end up wasting any money.
- Place the sink. Before you can begin applying the caulk, you will need to fit the sink into place. It should go without saying that you have already checked to make sure that your sink will fit into the existing hole; however, it never hurts to double check. If the sink does not fit, then you will need to do one of two things. The first is to return the sink you have, and purchase a new one, or you can expand the hole to fit. Keep in mind though, that if the hole is too big, then you will have no choice but to purchase a new sink (it is easier to make a hole bigger, than it is to make one smaller).
- Apply the caulk. The easiest way to apply any caulk is to use a caulking gun. Insert the calking material into the gun, and then begin applying. Start squeezing on the gun, and apply a steady even bead of material all the way around the sink. Keep the caulk as smooth and even as possible to ensure an even application, as well as an even drying time. Once you have applied the caulk around the sink, clean up any mess with a damp wash cloth. You don't want to leave it there to dry, since it will be more difficult to clean later on.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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