Opening Your Swimming Pool for Summer
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated May 20, 2019)
Unless you hire someone to do the work for you, opening your swimming pool for summer can mean that you accidentally overlook a step or two. It's even quite possible that you can damage your pool without trying, or over compensate somewhere else, and lead to someone getting injured. Make sure that you are doing everything that you are supposed to by following these simple directions.
- Take off the cover. The very first thing that you will need to do when opening your swimming pool for summer is to remove the pool cover. You may need to remove some tree branches or leaves to be able to do this without damaging the cover, so be careful when you start.
- Clean the pool cover. Once you have taken off the cover, take a little bit of time and clean it. Remove any dirt, debris, and other messes that may be on it. If necessary scrub it clean, but be careful when you do this so that you don't damage it. This will help protect the cover when you fold it up and put it away for storage. As you are cleaning the pool cover, inspect it for any noticeable damage. If you find any have it repaired as soon as possible so you don't forget.
- Check the pool water. Look at the water in the pool, and see if there is anything in it that shouldn't be. This could be things such as leaves, sticks, rocks, or even (heaven forbid) a dead animal. Remove anything that shouldn't be there with a cleaning net.
- Level the water. There is a chance that your water level changed over the winter months. Take a quick look to see if it is at the proper level, and if it is not correct the problem. Stop once the water level is at your normal operating level.
- Remove any winterizing items. Go around the pool and remove any items that you put in to help protect the pool during the winter. This means that you will need to remove things such as freeze plugs.
- Clean the filter. If you did not clean your filter before winterizing the pool, take the time to do so now. At the very least you should take a look at the filter and see if it needs to be cleaned.
- Start up the filter. Once you have checked to ensure that your pool filter is clean, prime the pump on your filter, and then start the motor. After you have the motor running, make sure that you completely purge all the air that may be trapped in the lines and in the equipment.
- Inspect for leaks. Inspect the filter lines, as well as the exterior of the pool for any leaks. If you notice any, stop the filter and have it repaired as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that if you find any leaks along the exterior of the pool you may need to drain the pool to repair it. However, if you don't repair it you can find yourself faced with an even larger, and on going, problem.
- Check the chemicals. Get a sample of the water from the pool, and get it tested. This will tell you what chemicals, if any, you need to add to make the pool safe to swim in. Once you have added any chemicals that were necessary, allow the water to circulate for a minimum of eight to 12 hours to get everything mixed properly.
- Inspect any and all fixtures. While the water is circulating take the opportunity to inspect, clean, and install any handrails, ladders, and other fixtures that may need to be put up. If you find any problems, fix them as quickly as possible.
- Check for any other damage. Keep an eye out for any other damage or cleaning that may need to be done. This could be tiles along the bottom of the pool, worn out nonslip strips on the stairs into the pool, or simply anything. Take note of what items need to be addressed immediately, and which can be put off for a little while.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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