When to Hire a Home Inspector
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated November 6, 2020)
Generally, the reason that most people hire a home inspector is to see what kind of condition a home is in when they are either purchasing a home, or selling one. However, this doesn't mean that that is the only time a home inspector can be hired. If you have any questions about when to hire a home inspector, here are four of the most common reasons why you may want to. Keep in mind though that most home inspectors will only tell you what the general condition of your home is, and what the general problems are. They do not necessarily test every inch of plumbing or wiring in your home.
- Curious about the condition of your home. If you are just generally curious about what kind of condition your home is in, then you may want to think about hiring a home inspector. By having your home inspected you will be able to see what the general condition of your home is, and if there are any problems that need to be repaired or fixed.
- After your tenant moved out. For those who happen to rent out a home or an apartment, it may be a good idea to have it inspected. This is particularly helpful if you do it every time someone moves out, so you can compare the before and after of having that person live in the home. The report will tell you if the home has deteriorated in any significant way since they moved in, and can help you better determine if there should be any extra fees assigned for repairs or clean up.
- Thinking about selling your home. If you are thinking of selling your home then you need to get a home inspection done. Preferably you should have your own done before the buyer asks for one, that way you can counter what they may say in their own inspection. Remember, a home inspection can be a valuable bargaining tool for the home seller, if you use it right. If you get the home inspection done early enough, you can fix the major repairs, and be able to get a better price for your home as well.
- Thinking about buying a home. When you are thinking of purchasing a home, you need to get a home inspection done. Frankly, what a home inspection can tell the buyer is pretty much what it can tell the seller—what needs to be fixed, and what condition the home is in. This will tell you exactly what you are purchasing, and whether it is worth your money.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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