There are all kinds of reasons that can influence you to be as energy efficient as possible. Some of the more common reasons include wanting to save money on your monthly utility bills, wanting to save money on shopping, and even wanting to reduce the amount of energy that you use in general. Whether you are looking to make a green impact on the planet, or saving a little green in your wallet, you need to know the right methods for choosing energy efficient light bulbs. In reality, all you really need to do is keep in mind these guidelines, and you should have no problem getting the right light bulbs for your home.
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While you might be somewhat hesitant to buy energy-efficient appliances because they cost more than lower efficiency ...
Discover MoreThe best way to get the most out of your roofing insulation is to actually provide proper circulation for the air. ...
Discover MoreIf you are looking to create a home that is energy efficient, you really can't afford to overlook the doors of your home. ...
Discover More2016-04-30 22:41:45
The author, needs to do his reasearch, independant contractor or not. 1) The Federal phased those out 2 years or more ago. They are not illegal to use, just to purchase. 2) Florecent bulbs are regulated for amount of mercury they use. That is why you want to purchase the bulbs with the green ends, they use less mercury. 3)When you purchase a florecent, you have to know what color spectrum you need in the location. 4) Dimmer switch for over 3 years have had the abiliy to dim, all 3 types of lamps, incondsant, led & compact florecent bulbs. I was in building maintaince for over 30 years, and had to know all this. As well as plumbing heating and ac, part recquirments for the job. You can't just generalize, that leads to costly mistakes, the devil is in the details.
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