Energy Efficiency
The world is moving to energy efficiency. Modern homes are (or can be) wonders of efficiency. We have an unbelievable number of tips to bring your house (and lifestyle) into off-the-grid independence. From insulation—so simple, so inexpensive, so effective—to weatherproofing, central air systems, reducing the carbon footprint, and much, much more, our tips can get you off to a retro-fit that will have you wondering why you didn't do these things years ago.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Energy Efficiency' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Basics of Choosing Windows
Windows do more than simply make your home look pretty. In fact it could easily be said that choosing the right window can be one of the most important choices a home owner makes. Here are some guidelines that help out line the basics of choosing windows.
Becoming More Energy Self Sufficient
In today's economy, who doesn't want to have a little extra money lying around? One of the best ways that you can do that is by becoming more energy self sufficient. Here's how.
Choosing a Water Heater
Water heaters are an important piece of equipment in the home, and choosing the right one can mean all the difference between a large and expensive energy bill, or one that is more reasonable. Choosing a water heater doesn't have to be a long and drawn out process, as long as you keep in mind a few simple guidelines. Once you have the water heater chosen, you can sit back and enjoy the lowered heating bills, and a comfortable bath.
Choosing an Energy Efficient Storm Door
If you are looking to create a home that is energy efficient, you really can't afford to overlook the doors of your home. While a storm door may seem to have little to do with this, the truth of the matter is that they can actually have a huge impact. Learn just how easy choosing an energy efficient storm door can really be.
Choosing Energy Efficient Light Bulbs
It is becoming more and more popular to make the home as energy efficient as possible. One of the more common methods that people use to do this is by utilizing energy efficient light bulbs. If you are thinking us using some, make sure that you know the proper method for choosing energy efficient light bulbs.
Choosing Insulation
Insulation is one of the best ways possible to help make your home comfortable. Not only does insulation help heat your home during the winter, but also helps to keep the home cool during the summer. In effect, by properly choosing insulation, you can help make your home energy efficient. Here's what you need to know in order to choose the right types of insulation.
Choosing the Right Compact Fluorescent Lights
If you can't find the right CFL at your local hardware or home improvement store, perform an online search and you will find hundreds of types of CFLs. You may even find a coupon for free shipping when you purchase online. Use the site's calculator to ensure that you are getting the right product for your needs.
Conserving Energy Around the Home
Taking small measures to conserve energy around your home can add up to big savings annually, not to mention the help those measures give to the environment. Most of us use appliances carelessly, and it's simply habit to use them when they are available. Think of other ways to conserve energy around your home to not only help the environment, but to keep a little cash in your bank account.
Conserving Water in the Home
Have you ever noticed how the water bill seems to be getting more and more expensive as time goes by? Well instead of sitting around and putting up with it; take a few steps to lower that bill. Conserving water in the home isn't that difficult, as long as you follow a few simple guidelines.
Creating an Energy-Efficient Home
If you stop to think about it, there are plenty of ways to improve your home to make it more energy-efficient. While some remedies may cost a little time and money, other things—like turning off lights when you leave a room—merely require investing in a good habit.
Energy-Efficient Appliances
While you might be somewhat hesitant to buy energy-efficient appliances because they cost more than lower efficiency models, keep in mind that you'll save more money in the long run on your energy bills if you use energy-efficient appliances.
Evaluating Home Energy Efficiency
For many homeowners, their energy bills are typically the costliest of their ongoing monthly expenses. The first step to reducing this bill is to find out how energy efficient your home is. Evaluating home energy efficiency is the key to understanding where the problems lie in your home.
How to Insulate Your Home
There is more to insulating your home than throwing up some random insulation that you get from the local home improvement store. There is a definite process involved, and one that everyone can do. Once you learn that process, you can begin the process of getting your home protected properly from the elements.
Installing Roof Vents
The best way to get the most out of your roofing insulation is to actually provide proper circulation for the air. Without this proper air circulation, even the best insulation job will rot over time. Prevent this by installing roof vents in your roof. It is a remarkably easy that will only take about two hours to complete.
Insulating an Attic
No matter the type of weather that you may be faced with, if you don't have the proper insulation in your attic you can easily find that your heating and energy bills going sky high. Insulating your attic correctly is one of the best possible ways to ensure your home is as energy efficient as possible.
LED Lighting
While still relatively new, LED lighting has become an energy efficient and safe alternative to traditional, thermal radiating incandescent lighting. One LED lamp is used in devices such as small flashlights and nightlights, but several clusters of LEDs create high levels of low-heat lighting for your home, while using a fraction of the energy of traditional lamps.
Maintaining a Central Air System
During the hot summer months, a working central air system can literally be a lifesaver. That is why proper maintenance of a central air system is so important. Without proper maintenance, a central air system will quickly stop working and stop being of use to anyone. Simply follow these simple steps, and you can begin doing some simple maintenance on your air conditioner.
Reducing Your Carbon Footprint
When trying to reduce your carbon footprint, avoid making overwhelming life changes and, instead, incorporate a few simple changes a little at a time. Choose one thing and then add another a few months later. After a year, reassess your carbon footprint and decide if you need to make more changes.
Saving Energy in Your Home
Saving energy in your home is not just a good idea when you are looking to save some money on your energy bills. By learning the basics of this helpful skill you can also make a positive contribution to the world around you as well. After all, why not learn how to conserve your money and your energy at the same time?
Saving Money with CFLs
If you want to stretch your energy dollar even farther, place your CFLs on a dimmer, timer, or motion sensor switch. That way, the lights will turn themselves off or use less wattage when no one is around, saving you even more money in the long run. No matter how you use them though, you will be saving money with CFLs.
Understanding Caulks and Foams
Understanding caulks and foams is an important step if you are going to choose the best one. After all, these items are an important element in increasing the energy efficiency of your home, as well as increasing the effectiveness of the weatherproofing. Here is a little information that you can use to help you choose the best possible caulking or foam for your home.
Understanding Your Carbon Footprint
When you understand what your own individual carbon footprint is, and assess it entirely, you can then take steps to lessen that footprint through conscious environmentally-friendly decisions. You don't have to take drastic measures. Something as simple as turning off the water when you brush your teeth can help lessen your carbon footprint.
Utility Rebates for Energy-Efficient Homes
The main idea behind energy rebates and incentive programs offered by utility companies is to encourage people to use more energy-efficient appliances. The rebates and programs pick up some of the incremental cost between the standard and the high efficiency piece of equipment. Contact your utility company and ask what type of assistance is available in your area.
Weatherproofing Your Home
Weatherproofing your home is an important task, regardless of what the weather may currently look like. Surprisingly, this is a project that anyone, even the most amateur of home improvement enthusiasts can do. All it takes is about an hour of your time, and following these simple suggestions.
What are R-Values?
Have you ever wandered through the insulation aisle in your local home improvement store and seen noted on the products something about R-values? Ever wonder what those are? The answer to this rather simple (though vitally important) question can ensure that you have the right kind of insulation for your home. Luckily, it's not that difficult to understand.
What is an Energy Star Rating?
The next time you need to buy a major appliance for your home, choose one that carriers the blue-and-white Energy Star label. Those appliances must meet stringent government guidelines in order to sport he label, and are typically ten to twenty percent more energy efficient than non-rated models. Not only will you save money operating the appliance, you will help the environment, as well.