It can be extremely confusing for most people to try and determine what types of safety equipment they need to have in their home. No matter whom you ask, there always seem to be some differences in what people consider to be home safety necessities. However, there are a few things that always seem to appear on each and every list. These items are the true home safety necessities. Here are a few simple items that everyone should have in their home to help make it as safe as possible.
- Exterior doors. There are a few things that everyone should have when it comes to their door. First, your door should be one of those solid core or metal doors. The reason for this is that these kinds of doors are more secure, and harder to break down than other kinds. Second, you should always have and use deadbolts on your door. Finally, you should also have something called a door stop alarm. A door stop alarm is something that you place against the door that will make a loud noise when the door is opened. These types of safety devices will help make the doors to your home a little safer.
- Windows. Every single window in your home needs to have a lock on it, and further more they need to be used. Another great thing that you should get on your windows are things called "self-tapping" screws which you can place in your windows and keep them from being opened from the outside. One way that you can keep your home a little safer from thieves (and help cool things off in your home at the same time, is through the use of tinted film. Place this on your windows, and it will be more difficult for people to look into your windows and see what you have in the home.
- Kitchen. If you have toddlers in the home, then you know exactly how much they like to grab things. In your kitchen, you should put latches on every single item that opens. This will help prevent the toddler from opening something that they shouldn't (like the oven). Also, it would be a good idea to put knob protectors on your oven knobs, to ensure they are not turned on accidentally.
- Bathroom. Bathrooms can be particularly dangerous for small children. Do not leave small children unattended in the bathroom. Toddlers are small, and can easily drown in the water left in the bottom of the bathtub, or in the toilet. Also, always make sure that you do not leave anything plugged in where children can reach them.
- General. Every home should also have at least one fire extinguisher and first aid kit. You never know when you might get hurt, or a fire could start. Another great thing to have around the home to help make it a little safer from thieves is a dog. Typically speaking, burglars are less likely to break into a home where a dog lives (they don't want to get bit, like anyone else).
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Doris Donnerman
Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. Learn more about Doris...
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