While a hot tub can be a wonderful thing to have, it can also be a huge drain on your finances hiring someone to clean and maintain it for you. Rather, all you need to do is learn how to maintain your own hot tub. Do that by simply following these easy steps, and you will have a perfectly working (and crystal clear) hot tub in no time.
- Periodically check your chemical levels. Without periodically checking the chemical levels in your hot tub, you can find yourself in a world of hurt. For example, if you get into water that has an improper chemical balance, you can seriously hurt yourself. You can purchase a chemical testing kit from your local pool store. All you really need to do is follow the instructions on the back as given by the manufacturer. The test results will tell you if there is any need to make any change to your chemical levels, or if you even need to change the chemicals that you use in your hot tub.
- Get any scum diagnosed. Periodically, you may find some scum in your hot tub water. When this happens, before you blindly try adding some chemicals to your hot tub you need to see what kind of scum you have. The reason for this is that the scum may actually be indicative of another problem that you will need to fix. Once you have tested the chemical levels in your water, take a sample of your water into your local pool store, and have it tested. The will be able to tell you what caused the problem.
- Purchase proper chemicals or seek further help. Once you know what the prescription for your hot tub is, simply purchase the proper chemicals necessary to treat it. Or, if there is another problem that is the cause, seek professional help to get it repaired. If you attempt to do your own repairs, and do them wrong, then you may find yourself with a hot tub that doesn't work at all.
- Apply the chemicals that you purchased. Once you get the new chemicals home that you purchased, it is time to apply them. Simply follow the directions that come with the chemicals as printed. By following the directions as they are printed, then you reduce the risk of causing damage to your hot tub. After allowing the chemicals to work for the proper amount of time indicated by the manufacturer's directions, test the water again, as described in the first step.
- Check for a clean filter. Periodically check to make sure that your filter is clean. The purpose of a filter is to clean your water after all, and an unclean filter is a leading cause for scummy water. If the filter is not clean, then you need to replace the filter.
- Clean exterior. The final step that you should take when maintaining your hot tub is to clean the exterior. Doing this will ensure that you have a hut tub that looks its, as well as ensuring that your hot tub will last for years to come.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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