Changing a Room's Focal Point
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated December 16, 2020)
Have you ever gotten tired of the way your room looks, or perhaps felt that it wasn't "quite right" for some unknown reason? Well, learning the methods for changing a room's focal point is one of the best ways that you can go about ensuring that your room is always the way that you want it to be. When you are looking to create or change the room's focal point all you really need to do is keep in mind a few simple guidelines.
- Use color contrast. One of the best ways to create a focal point, or even change an existing focal point, in any room is by utilizing the power of contrasting color. For example, your current living room is predominantly painted a single color such as blue or white. Use a strong contrasting color to draw the eyes to where you want them to go. One idea would be to use a couch, or other piece of furniture, that is a different color to do exactly that.
- Fireplaces are naturals. For some reason people have a tendency to overlook just how natural of a focal point a fireplace really is. Often times fireplaces and mantles are a significantly different color than the rest of the room, and as such will naturally draw the eye towards it. Take advantage of this by centering the rest of your furniture around this point.
- Don't overlook light. Light, when used in creative ways, can also be a strong indicator and a subtle hint, towards what you consider to be the real focal point of a room. For example, if you used art lighting to focus on artwork that you may have, it will naturally help draw the eye, and thus act as a focal point. Another example is when you have a large picture window (and thus a lot of natural light) will help to let light in, and also act as a natural "painting" or piece of artwork that can draw the eye.
Now that you know the basics of changing or creating a focal point in a room, you can begin arranging your rooms to suite your exact needs and tastes. Keep in mind that these are only guidelines though. In effect, what this means is that this is really only a place to start from. Often you will have to figure out the exact nature of your needs by using these guidelines in a rather trial and error manner. Enjoy yourself as you go about and figure out what you want your rooms to look like.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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