It's easy, when you're tired from a long day, to just throw what you're wearing into your closet and not hang or fold it up. You figure you can just do it in the morning, no big deal. Usually it never gets done, and your closet ends up being a mess, with shoes and clothes all over the place. Follow these easy steps to help clean up that mess and make your closet organized again.
Keep in mind that if you have a lot of shoes, it might be helpful to keep them in their shoe boxes so you can stack them to create more room and save space. If the shoe box doesn't clearly identify which shoe is inside, go ahead and label the outside, so you know which one you're getting out. Things such as sweaters are better to be folded up and stacked instead of hung. Hanging sweaters over time can ruin the shape of it, so save your hangers for clothes that won't be ruined by it. Don't waste space by hanging up things like t-shirts, sweats, or jeans. They don't need to be hung up, and they are better placed in your drawers. Don't keep things such as snow gear, raingear, or any other outdoor gear in your closet, move those to your front closet that lowers the chance of getting snow, mud or rain on your other clothes when you come back from some adventure.
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