Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to actually create stylish walls? The simple reason for this is that often, when decorating, we will take everyone else's advice, but not really decorate the wall in the way that we like. Remember, the premiere rule of style is the answer to a rather simple question. Do you like it? If you can answer that question , then you will be able to begin creating stylish walls in your home. Here are a few simple guidelines that you can use to help you decide on what you like and what you don't
- Use fabric. One way that you can create some very stylish walls is with the use of fabric. Often times people will overlook the use of texture when decorating their walls. Believe it or not, simply using some fabric to help dress up your walls can go a long way in creating a truly unique style. The fabric can either be used as a window dressing or even as a type of "wallpaper."
- Decide on a theme. Another way that you can create stylish walls is by deciding on a theme for your entire room. Having an overall theme will help you focus your attention on obtaining a certain look for you room, as well as help you better define what you want, and the look that you are trying to achieve.
- Decide on your colors. Color is an integral element when decorating a wall. What color, if any, do you want your walls to be? The best kind of wall coloring is one that subtly enhances the rest of the room and helps to define the space that you are using.
- Use pictures. Whether you are using them as an inspiration for your room or you are using them as an integral part of your decorating, pictures can be a powerful tool. If you are using pictures to help create a stylish wall, be sure that you don't overload any particular wall with too many pictures. You run the risk having a cluttered and claustrophobic feeling to your room no matter how little you actually have in the room.
- Experiment. As you experiment with your walls, keep in mind that you should have everything flow together in your room. You want your walls to work with the rest of your room as opposed to working against it. Take time to try out several different methods before you make your final decision. Remember, there is only one person you will really need to make happy with your design, and that person is you.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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