Guidelines for Arranging a Room
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated March 28, 2022)
Without a doubt there are as many ways to decorate or arrange a room, as there are people and tastes in the world. Even with all of the different possible tastes in the world, there are a few guidelines for arranging a room that any homeowner can use. Not only are these guidelines designed so that anyone can use them, you can begin using them now.
- Use area rugs properly. If you are thinking of using an area rug, then you need to make sure that you are using one that is the proper size. Many people think that area rugs are something that should be used as an accent, when the truth is that they should be used for more than that. Properly sized area rugs are going to be just a little smaller than the area you are working on. For example, if you have a great room, but want to define a specific seating area then you should use an area rug along with the couches or other furniture to help you out.
- In the bedroom. In recent years bedrooms have started to become much more than simply a place to sleep, and frankly that is a trend that should be stopped. Simply put, a bed should be the focus of your bedroom. The easiest way to do this is by placing your bed opposite the doors to the room.
- Couches need space. A common misconception about couches is that they can simply be placed against the wall and it's all good. The truth is that even if you are placing a couch alongside a wall, you should leave at least an inch or two between the furniture and the wall. If you have large windows try centered and facing them. Additionally, to properly arrange a large living area don't be afraid to use couches and other chairs to define several seating areas.
- High curtains are a plus. To help create a truly dramatic appearance in a room you can't beat high curtains. Whenever you use a curtain, it really should be floor to ceiling curtains, as well as at least one foot further on either side of the window. This simple method of hanging drapes and curtains helps provide the idea that the window dressings are actually a part of the room, rather than an afterthought.
- Accessories are furniture too. When using accessories do not look at them as accessories. Rather, accessories should be looked at as another piece of furniture. This means that you should look at walls the same way that they do with floors. Do not hang pictures or mirrors too high, and space them properly so that they appear to be a natural part of the room. Use the same philosophy with every single accessory, whether it is on the floor, wall, or table.
- Dressers shouldn't stand alone. Do not place dressers at a weird angle in the corner of the room. Instead, dressers should either be centered against the wall or paired with another piece of furniture (such as chairs) and then centered.
There is something to remember about guidelines, and that is that they are exactly that—guidelines. This means that there are no hard and fast rules that can be applied in all situations. Further, these guidelines can also be expanded or limited as much as necessary to achieve the look you want. Basically, you are the only one that can say whether your room looks good or not. After all, you are the one who will be living in and using that particular room. So make sure you are happy with your results.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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