Decorating in the Craftsman Style
Written by Lee Wyatt (last updated June 21, 2019)
First appearing in the early 20th century, the Craftsman style of homes were homes that were designed more for simplicity and understated elegance, than some of the more over indulgent looks that had come about previously. Rather than going for the over the top displays that were often the norm previously. In today's world, many of these styles of homes are often associated with the term "Family." Often, it seems like the very picture of these types of decorating schemes. If you are interested in learning how to decorate in the Craftsman style, keep reading.
- Functionality. When decorating in the Craftsman style, keep in mind that everything should have a clear cut, and separated function. This means that you should try to have one area specifically for eating, one area for recreation, and so on. It is possible to tie everything together through accessories, but there should still be a clear cut separation between the different rooms.
- Simplicity. Traditionally speaking, the Craftsman style was a reaction to many of the over indulgences that were seen in the Victorian era. This means that the main idea revolved around simplicity, not going overboard with ostentatious displays previously seen. Examples of this could be seen in the often mild and neutral colors seen in the paints used, leaving the woodwork unpainted and exposed.
- Comfort. One of the largest elements to decorating in the Craftsman style is comfort. Go for what is comfortable in way of furniture, design, and color. Typically speaking furniture styles that are in the Craftsman, Mission, or other similar styles will all work well in this type of a home decorating scheme. Just make sure that you are choosing items that are comfortable.
- Accentuate windows and lighting. Considering that one of the main features of a Craftsman style home is the large, enclosed floor plans, lighting is extremely important. This means that wherever you have a window, or any source of lighting, then you should pay particular attention to it. Use elements that will help draw the eye to them, while also controlling the amount of light that is allowed into the room.
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Lee Wyatt
Contributor of numerous Tips.Net articles, Lee Wyatt is quickly becoming a regular "Jack of all trades." He is currently an independent contractor specializing in writing and editing. Contact him today for all of your writing and editing needs! Click here to contact. Learn more about Lee...
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