Regardless of the reason, moving is a stressful event. If you are selling your current home so that you can move into a larger or smaller home, you will have different needs than if you are moving into your first house. Either way, you'll need some advice so that the process is as smooth as possible.
This section of tips can help you move easily. From planning and holding a garage sale to estimating the cost of your move, you'll find the information you need here.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Moving' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Advertising a Garage Sale
The key to a successful garage sale is advertising. You can have the greatest items at the best prices for sale, but if you don't let people know that you're having a sale, how will they know to buy from you? Advertising a garage sale is simple and, in most cases, free.
Dealing with Early Arrivers
Never post your exact address for a yard sale. When advertising in a newspaper or online a week ahead of the sale, simply state the name of the street and the block number. Early birds who are serious retailers always look for exact addresses. That way, they have opportunity to camp out practically on your doorstep, waiting to take advantage of your sale.
Estimating Moving Costs
When estimating moving costs, consider your health and finances, the distance of your move, the cost of gas and mileage if you rent a moving van, and all options available to you when using a moving company. Some moving companies also offer packing services. If you've a large network of family and friends, they might lend a hand for free. If you are relocating because of a new job, your new employer may help with your relocation expenses.
Finding a Good Contractor
It goes without saying that a contractor is a necessity for any large scale home repair or remodel project, since they are the professionals with the experience. The difficult part though may seem to lie in finding a good contractor. Here is how you can do just that.
Getting Help with Moving
When the move is over, make sure that you thank each person individually as they leave. Plan to take them all out that evening for ice cream or a late buffet. Or, send invitations the following week for a get-together in your new home. Find some way of thanking your helpers, and offer to pay some people who have made an extra effort.
How Much Is My House Worth?
If you have been living in your house for a while, or you are just simply curious, then you might be wondering "How much is my house worth?" Here are the best, and most accurate, options that you have at your disposal for finding out the answer.
Preparing for Your Move
Preparing for your move can alleviate most of the stress associated with moving. Start at least eight weeks before your moving day by notifying people and businesses that you are moving. Seize the opportunity moving presents to get rid of junk and trash, and donate old items to charity.
Protecting Wood During a Move
Protecting wood during a move involves more than just slapping a blanket or moving pad on top. Protect the surface with padding, protect the joints from bumps and vibrations with foam or rubber, and protect the entire piece with a shell or casing during moving. Most times, that shell involves the actual moving truck, and packed boxes wedged tightly against the wood furniture.
Successful Garage Sales
If you've just a few items to sell at a garage sale, you could ask family, friends, or neighbors if they'd like to participate in one large sale. Make sure that you prepare, organize, and advertise your sale sufficiently in order to have a truly successful garage sale.
When Should I Get an Appraisal?
One of the questions that homeowners ask themselves is, when should I get an appraisal? While you can get one done at any time, there are definitely some instances where you should absolutely get one done.
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