Flooring is a key component in every home. There are many options to choose from and they vary greatly in price, durability, and visual appeal. The type of flooring you choose will most likely play an important part in your decorating scheme so you'll want to make sure that you care for your investment.
If you have flooring problems, the tips in this section can help you solve them. You'll find information about fixing various tile problems, protecting your tile, and replacing sections of carpet. There are also tips that can help you price new flooring.
Tips, Tricks, and Answers
The following articles are available for the 'Flooring' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.

Choosing Long Lasting Flooring
When you begin thinking about having some new type of flooring installed, you want to make sure that it is one that will be around for a long time. While choosing long lasting flooring is actually more of an art than a science, there are some questions that you can ask that will help you choose the best possible flooring.
Cork Flooring
If you are looking for a beautiful and environmentally friendly type of hardwood flooring, you can't really go wrong with cork flooring. Before you go out and purchase a bunch though, make sure you know what you are getting into.
Fixing a Loose Tile
Fixing a loose tile is an extremely easy home repair job that anyone can do. Many people think that when they get a single loose tile, they are going to have to remove all the rest in hours of backbreaking, sweaty, dirty and frustrating work. This could not be further from the truth.
Fixing Broken Tiles
Broken tiles in the bathroom, kitchen, entryway or living room no longer have to be a source of embarrassment to you. Here is a step by step list of exactly how you can have wonderful tile in your home again, without having to pay an arm and a leg to get it.
Installing Carpeting
Just because installing carpeting can be a major undertaking, doesn't mean that you can't do it yourself. All you need to do is to make sure that you have the right equipment, have the proper instructions, and have plenty of time. Here are the instructions; the tools and time are up to you.
Installing Vinyl Plank Flooring
If you are looking for an inexpensive alternative to traditional flooring, then you may want to consider installing vinyl plank flooring. Not only is it particularly inexpensive when compared to other kinds of flooring, it is also remarkably easy to install. All you need to do is follow these steps, and in about six hours you will have a beautiful new floor.
Installing Wood Flooring
Installing wood flooring yourself can be a great project, and a fantastic way to save some money on your home renovations. While many people may think that it is a bit overwhelming, but the truth is that the task is one that just about anyone can do.
Laying Carpet Tiles
If you really want to have some carpet in a given room, but don't want to lay some actual carpet then you may want to think about using some tiles. Laying carpet tiles is a project that anyone can do, and should only take about a day to complete.
Laying Ceramic Tile
If you are thinking that your home may need a bit of a change then you may want to consider laying some new ceramic tiles in your bathroom or kitchen. Laying ceramic tile can be a little difficult if you have never done it before, though it doesn't need to be impossible. Simply follow these instructions.
Natural Rugs
Although consumers today view the use of a natural rug as a trendy, conscious effort to be eco-friendly, ancient civilizations wove mats and floor coverings from bulrushes and seagrasses long ago. Incorporating natural rugs into your home decor is not a new concept.
Pricing Flooring
Before pricing flooring, decide what type of flooring you want, and for what purpose. Vinyl flooring is certainly less expensive than laminate or hardwood flooring, and you can simply buy a roll of it and install it yourself if all you want is to cover a portion of your basement or garage floor.
Protecting Tile Floors
One of the most popular choices in home flooring is tile floors. When used properly, tile floors can greatly enhance the look and feel of any room. However, particular care must be used to protect these floors from unwanted damage, most especially when you use heavy furniture or appliances. Read on to find out exactly how easy protecting tile floors can be.
Protecting Unfinished Hardwood Flooring
If you are looking for a truly unique and beautiful addition to your home decor, then you may have considered using unfinished hardwood flooring at some point or another. This type of flooring does present a few unique challenges though when it comes to taking care of it. Before you get to worried though, protecting unfinished hardwood flooring is possible, here's how.
Recycling Old Carpet
If there is one drawback to replacing old carpet flooring, it is trying to figure out what you are going to do with that carpet. While some may say to throw it away, why not consider recycling? Recycling old carpet isn't all that difficult, though it can require a bit of creativity
Removing Grout
When using power tools to remove grout, make sure that your bit is the appropriate size for the space between the tiles. Work methodically and slowly and periodically check the dust your tool crates. If the color of the dust is different than that of the grout, you may be filing away at the tile, instead of the grout.
Removing Tile Adhesive from Tile
While you could remove old tile adhesive from tile with steel wool or a putty knife, you take the chance of scratching or etching the tile, and removing its luster. Instead, find a solvent that will remove the adhesive, and preferably one that does not emit harmful fumes.
Replacing Damaged Sections of Carpeting
When replacing damaged sections of carpeting, you'll need a carpet remnant or leftover of the carpet you're replacing. If you can't find one in your apartment or home, you can cut a piece of carpet from an inconspicuous place, such as from the back of a closet floor and from behind a large piece of furniture.
Restoring Ceramic Tiles
If you're up for a challenge, you can try a few of these methods to restore your ceramic tile to its original luster. It might help to speak with a qualified ceramic tile salesperson to determine which restoration method is best for your particular situation.
Simple Carpet Repairs
Instead of replacing your carpet the next time you damage it, why not try some simple carpet repairs. By conducting these simple repairs, you are going to be able to save money as well as getting rid of an eyesore in your home.
Turkish Rugs
Turkish rugs can add class and sophistication to any room. You can find these lovely rugs in many unique patterns and colors to suit your decor.
Using Area Rugs to Maximum Effect
When used properly area rugs are a great way to help add accent and comfort to just about any room. However, most people do not know the proper methods of using area rugs to maximum effect. Instead f throwing them around willy-nilly, keep these guidelines in mind and you will be able to use the rugs to the best possible effect.
What is Cold Weather Caulking?
As I was wandering through a home improvement store the other day, I cam across a product that I had never heard of before, and when I saw it I just had to ask myself just what is cold weather caulking? Here is what I found out.